Horse Events Goring ODE
Yay our first event of 2023. Yesterday we went to Goring Heath with Horse Events to do our first 90cm ODE of the season. A new venue for us. I can see why it wasn’t confirmed that it was running until 5.30pm the night before, it was wet!
The aim was to have rhythm and less tension in the dressage…. achieved. Yes there were still moments however boy did Joey feel like he was really trying to hold his **** together.
He lost his footing in the first canter, which caused us to break but super chuffed with my Connie friend. Definitely our personal best! On paper we scored 35.5, this felt as though it was our best dressage test to date.
On to the showjumping, we have really neglected our jumping due to working so much on the flatwork and fitness. Show Jumping was hilarious, we had a clear but the pole pickers struggled with putting up fence 5 from the previous competitor, so we had to have a short break in the middle of our round and then continue on, luckily he went clear!
Off to get ready to go XC. A lovely clear round however his pilot is old and stupid sometimes. Didn’t really know the time penalties and slowed down at the end to not get time penalties and ended up with 0.8 time. Oh well luckily it wouldn’t have made a significant change to placings. Totally chuffed and ended on a score of 36.3 in 12th.
Big thanks to super groom Tanya again for coming along to help and support.
Our next big event is 27th/28th May where we head to @stoneleighridingclub 2 day event.

Dressage – 35.5
SJ – Clear
XC – Clear but 0.8 time penalties
Position: 12th