British Riding Club ODE
Off to West Wilts to represent Swindon District Riding Club in the 90cm team.
Well here is it, our video from West Wilts on Sunday competing for Swindon Riding Club in the 90 team.
As a lot of my friends know, Joey has been super annoyingly jolly since Thursday last week, so he was banned from grass and on soaked hay until after this event. Did it help, yes I believe it did, imagine what he would have been like if I hadn’t.
The dressage was rather exuberant and tense but it was better than I thought it was going to be. It’s difficult containing a little monster. I do try really hard to be relaxed, breath and think of the rhythm but he just had his own ideas. Considering the best dressage score in our section was 31.5, we weren’t too disappointed to get 36.
The judges comments were hilarious “What a cheeky pocket rocket of a pony you have!! Some tension in the work today which was a shame. Enjoy xc- looks like he would enjoy that bit.” Answers on a post card please to how to contain Joey’s excitement.
A clear in the showjumping but again he was tricky to contain and had a celebratory bronc at the end, unfortunately this wasn’t caught on camera. Then it was off to his favourite part, the cross country!
On walking the course the ground was good considering the lack of rain we’ve had.

Off we went out the start box, there were a couple of jumps I was worried about, no.9 and 13 but getting to that point Joey was flying, so there was little to worry about. Leading up to fence 9 I had a watch check as I knew this was the 3 minute marker, on checking it looked as though I was a bit behind but I let Joey tell me how he was finding the going. I then had another look at the watch heading to fence 15 and that’s when I realised I set my watch to countdown not count up! God I’m dopey at times. We ended up coming in at 5 mins which meant we were 23 seconds ahead of the optimum time and we had time penalties for going to fast!
Oh well hopefully I will learn from that costly mistake. Sorry team. Team wise we came 3rd and individually we came 7th (if i’d have set my watch right or realised earlier, we could’ve come 3rd) an expensive mistake!
Well here’s the video anyhow, enjoy!
Also a big thank you to super groom Tanya Hogg for giving up her day for us, we love it when you come with us x