Stoneleigh Riding Club 2 Day Event

Our first two day event!
In May we were invited to join the Swindon District Riding Club’s team for the 80cm 2 day event. Now we’ve never done a long format ODE before, so thought this would be a great opportunity for the both of us.
I tend to always keep Joey pretty fit, especially as we’re already into the eventing season, so it wasn’t too much work to increase his fitness. I found riding with my cross country watch very beneficial to keep on track.
Now apologies. I am writing this blog quite some time after the actual event, so the details may be a little basic.
The day started with a 3.30am alarm on the Saturday morning and off we went to Princethorpe College where the event for Stoneleigh Riding Club took place.
Our team consisted of 4 members and all team members had Connemara ponies which was fabulous. We had Fiona, Naomi, Esther and myself. Fiona and Naomi have experience with this event, which meant they could gently educate myself and Esther for the whole process.
Day 1 consisted of Dressage and Showjumping
Day 2 was roads & tracks, steeple chase, road & tracks and then on to cross country.
Our dressage was quite disappointing, we have been improving at home and I thought this might show at our next event. Joey was extremely tense and even bronced in the warmup which is very unlike him. There were a couple of movements I was pleased with but it was all about trying to curb his enthusiasm. We scored a mere 37.3.
The next phase that day was the show jumping. I don’t usually worry about show jumping but our last training session that week hadn’t gone well at all. We were very wonky (more so than normal) and we had multiple refusals which is unheard of for Joey. I was quite apprehensive. However warming up we felt very straight and he was nowhere near as tense as he was in the dressage. We had a lovely clear round and I was delighted!
My team members said not to worry about the dressage score as tomorrow will be a very different day! They were absolutely right!
Once everyone was done we set off to walk all the courses for the next day.
We trailered back up the horses and headed to the horses stables for the night, which was about a 20 minute drive. We stayed at a beautiful old farm and got the horses settled in their beds. Us humans stayed in our transport, which meant I was on a camp bed in my trailer!
The owners of the farm allowed us to use their swimming pool which was super warm and gratefully received, it had been a very long day! We all chipped in and had a lovely BBQ, there was so much food and it was delicious. The night’s sleep was good in the trailer, no complaints at all.

Day 2 – We packed up everything including the horses and off we trundled back to Princethorpe College for the second day! The exciting day!
I was on the roads & tracks at 10.08am, my times were all on my number bib to keep my xc watch updated. The 1st roads & tracks went well and it was quite easy to get inside the time. Next phase was the steeplechase, 2 laps, 6 jumps in 2 minutes. I was adamant Joey was not going to stop at the first jump, he flew around and was super ace.
2nd roads & tracks were up next, this was a slower pace than the previous. At the end we had the vet inspection where we flew with flying colours. We had 10 minutes to get off his back and sponge him off to cool his body temperature. Those 10 minutes went so quickly and before I knew it I was being hurried to get back on and go to cross country.
Doubled checked my watch to make sure I had set it correctly (I sometimes am known to mess my times up). Of we went and we flew around the course, as we have competed at 90cm this course didn’t ask too many questions we didn’t already know. But as us horse riders know, we must never become complacent. The 90cm course here was massive and I was glad to be doing the 80cm.
We successfully completed the course inside the time, super chuffed indeed. What a super pony he is.
All team members had a fantastic time and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. We moved up to a fantastic team result of 4th. And would you believe Fiona was right, with our poor 37.3 dressage but 2 great clear jump rounds inside the time meant we came individually 5th. Absolutely thrilled to say the least. What an epic first 2 day event but now I have the bug and want to do it again. Look out 2024!
I have met so many lovely people at this event and I am sure I will meet them all again soon. I really do love the equestrian community in one day eventing!